For some people, their nose is their signature feature. For others, it is out of balance with the rest of their features and they want a change. Whether your problem areas are due to injury or genetics, a nose job can offer the change you need to feel better in your own skin.
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What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, more commonly called a nose job, is surgery that alters the shape of the nose in some manner. This can include everything from aligning the septum to refining the tip. The goal can be reconstructive, to help restore proper breathing after an injury, for example, or cosmetic. It is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty patients should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for their results. Anyone who struggles with breathing and sleeping due to issues with their nose structure should strongly consider getting nose surgery to improve their overall health.
However, anyone with aesthetic concerns could also be excellent candidates. If you feel your nose is too small, too large or just generally not shaped right for the rest of your face, rhinoplasty could bring it into harmony with your other facial features.
Rhinoplasty patients can be of any age. However, because noses continue to grow throughout our lifetimes, the older you are, the more likely it is that you will find yourself thinking about surgery. As long as you are interested in making a change and are of legal age, a nose job is an option for you.
How Rhinoplasty Is Performed
Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia or sedation in most cases. Several incisions will be needed for most nose jobs, but these are typically inside the nasal cavity, hiding them from sight. The only external incisions made are generally in the septum, keeping them pretty well hidden. In all cases, the incisions are small.
Through these incisions, your surgeon accesses the bone and cartilage in the nose so they can reshape the nose by removing tissues or adding to the nose. As they work, they will consider how the new shape of your nose balances with your other facial features, including the eyes and upper lip.
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Combination Procedures with Nose Surgery
Oftentimes, rhinoplasty is performed on its own. However, if you have other aspects of your facial features you’d like to change, it is a good idea to combine procedures. Buccal fat removal can help give your face a slimmer look while highlighting the cheekbones, while a chin implant can give you a stronger profile.
Rhinoplasty Recovery and Results
After closing the incisions, your surgeon will apply a splint to help keep your nose in the right position as it heals; most patients wear this for about a week. It is common to have internal packing in the nostrils to keep the septum stable, though this is used for just 1 or 2 days. Expect your face to feel bruised and swollen. Most people have visible bruising around the nose and even into the eye area.
You should take it easy for the first two weeks after surgery and keep your head elevated even when sleeping. Results can take up to three months to see due to swelling, and residual swelling can hang around for up to a year after surgery.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much does rhinoplasty cost?
This varies based on numerous factors, including the refinements you are looking to make, if the procedure is reconstructive and whether you are having other surgeries at the same time. The total cost will include the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, and facility/OR fee, and may include other costs as well. To get an accurate estimate for your rhinoplasty, schedule a consultation with Dr. Swetnam.
Will my insurance pay for rhinoplasty?
In some cases, it will. This usually requires proof that some issue with your nose is having a negative impact on your overall health. For example, a deviated septum after an injury can impact your breathing and even make it difficult to sleep at night. However, most cases will be denied coverage since they are considered cosmetic rather than medically necessary.
How do I find the best rhinoplasty surgeon near me?
Start by researching rhinoplasty surgeons near you and seeing what their patients have to say. Make a list of the top 5 to 7 best reviewed, then check out their websites to see their before and after photos of rhinoplasty patients to see if there are some that align with your goals. Schedule consultations with 2 to 3 surgeons you think will be a good fit and select the one who feels right.
What are the scars like after rhinoplasty?
In most cases, there are no external incisions. When there are, these tend to be in the septum, making them very hard for others to see. They are also quite small, so once healed, they are nearly invisible for most patients.
How old should I be before I get rhinoplasty?
It is best to wait until the nose has fully developed, so people in their late teens are generally the youngest potential candidates. However, if there is a medical need, rhinoplasty might be considered at a younger age. Just keep in mind that as the patient grows, a revision might be necessary.
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