A Breast Reduction Shouldn’t Have You Looking like a Square
While researching any surgical procedure, it is not uncommon to come across plenty of horror stories about surgeries gone wrong and some of the scary side effects you could experience. When it comes to breast reduction, one of the common “gone wrong” stories that women come across is ending up with boxy-looking or squared breasts after their breast reduction.
The good news is that this unwanted effect is preventable and quite rare in the hands of an experienced cosmetic surgeon.
What Could Cause Square Breasts after Breast Reduction?
Square-looking breasts can sometimes occur when the inverted T or anchor incision technique is used for a breast reduction. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this incision technique, it is not always the best choice for breast reduction (which comes with a built-in breast lift).
However, if this breast reduction incision technique is performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon with ample experience performing breast enhancement procedures, boxy-looking breasts should not be a concern.
How to Prevent Boxy-Looking Breasts after Breast Reduction
The most important thing you can do to ensure you get the smooth, round breasts you want after your breast reduction is to carefully select the right cosmetic surgeon. Look through before and after photos to see what previous results look like, ask specific questions during your consultation (“What incision technique do you suggest?” “What do you do to prevent squared breasts?”) and of course, do your due diligence and check medical credentials before even scheduling your consultation.
Ready to start planning your breast reduction procedure? Call our Springdale office at 479-966-4174 or contact us online to schedule your consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic surgeons today!